Thursday, April 22, 2021

Hackers Are Using Telegram to Spread Malware and Control the System

Check Point researchers identified more than 130 cyber attacks using a Remote Access Trojan called ToxicEye. This malware is managed by cybercriminals through Telegram messenger app.

As per Check Point Research, there is a new trend of attack among cybercriminals, where Telegram is used as a control-and-command system to spread malware even popular application is not installed or is not used, the system allows attackers to send malicious commands and operations remotely.

Check Point Research explained that they identified more than 130 cyber attacks that resorted to a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) called ToxicEye, communicating with their servers and sending all the data collected there.

ToxicEye is spread via phishing emails embedded with malicious .exe files. Once it open by victim, these files start installing the malware on the it's equipment and increase a series of operations that go undetected.

The Malware can execute the range of exploits without the victim’s knowledge:

  • ·         Data theft
  • ·         Delete or transfer files
  • ·         Encrypt files for a ransom (Ransomware)
  • ·         Remote control and I/O hijacking
  • ·         Installation of a Keylogger
  • ·         Hijack the computer's microphone and camera to record audio and video from the computer.

How This Attack Infection Chain Works -

The researcher mentioned “ The attacker first creates a Telegram account and a Telegram ‘bot.’ A Telegram bot account is a special remote account with which users can interact by Telegram chat or by adding them to Telegram groups, or by sending requests directly from the input field by typing the bot’s Telegram username and a query.

Attacker embeds The Telegram bot into the ToxicEye RAT configuration file then compile into an executable file and this executable file (.exe) can be injected into a Word document also. When victim open this doc file or email , this .exe get installed into this computer and make the same infected. Now victim’s computer can be attacked via the Telegram bot and attackers control this system.

Cybercriminals find Telegram as an essential part of their attacks and it  allows attackers to remain anonymous as the registration process only requires a mobile number, The messaging app Telegram is not blocked by antivirus solutions or network security tools.

Attackers can easily extract data from users equipment or transfer new malicious files to infected devices. Hackers can use their mobile phone to access infected computers from any location in the world.

Identify if your system is compromised and tips to strengthen security

  1. Search for RAT file - First of all you should search your computer for the file (rat.exe) in location (without quotes): “C: \ Users \ ToxicEye \ rat.exe if this file exists on your computer, you must immediately contact your helpdesk and delete this file.
  2. Traffic Monitoring - You can monitor the traffic generated from your personal or organization's system to Telegram C&C accounts. If you see such traffic and Telegram is not installed as a business solution, this is an indication that system has been compromised.
  3. Identify Phishing or Malicious Emails - It is very important to beware of any kind of attachments files that have usernames because malicious/spam emails often use the your username as the subject line or name of the file. These could be suspicious emails and you should not open these attachments,  delete the email immediately and not reply to the sender. If you receive an email from unlisted or undisclosed  sender it indicates that the email is malicious or phishing.
  4. Anti-Phishing Software - In order to minimize the risks phishing attacks for an organization, it is AI-based anti-phishing software  that is able to identify and block malicious content from all communication services (i.e. emails )and platforms (i.e. computers, handheld devices)

Friday, April 16, 2021

New WhatsApp Vulnerabilities could have allowed Attackers to Hack Android Mobile Remotely


WhatsApp technical team recently addressed 2 security vulnerabilities in WhatsApp for Android. As per security researchers Remote attackers could have exploited these vulnerabilities to execute malicious code on a target device.

The flaws allow attackers to execute “man-in-the-disk” attacks that is possible when mobile apps use External Storage that is shared across all the applications. Attacker can manipulate certain data being exchanged between mobile app and the external storage

Census Labs researchers reported one of the two issues(CVE-2021-24027) and said “We will show how the two aforementioned WhatsApp vulnerabilities would have made it possible for attackers to remotely collect TLS cryptographic material for TLS 1.3 and TLS 1.2 sessions.”

“With the TLS secrets at hand, we will demonstrate how a man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack can lead to the compromise of WhatsApp communications, to remote code execution on the victim device and to the extraction of Noise protocol keys used for end-to-end encryption in user communications.”

The CVE-2021-24027 vulnerability , in prior to WhatsApp for Android v2.21.4.18 and WhatsApp Business for Android v2.21.4.18, leverages Chrome's support in Android and this can allow an attacker with access to the device’s external storage to read cached TLS material. An attacker can send a specially-crafted HTML file to a victim over WhatsApp, which once opened in the victim’s browser, executes the attacker’s code contained in the HTML file.

"All an attacker has to do is lure the victim into opening an HTML document attachment. WhatsApp will render this attachment in Chrome, over a content provider, and the attacker's Javascript code will be able to steal the stored TLS session keys." Census Labs researcher Chariton Karamitas said.

“WhatsApp comes with a debugging mechanism that allows its development team to catch fatal errors happening in the wild during the first few days of a release. More specifically, if an OutOfMemoryError exception is thrown, a custom exception handler is invoked that collects System Information, WhatsApp Application Logs, as well as a dump of the Application Heap (collected using android.os.Debug::dumpHprofData). These are uploaded to”  As per report.

The attackers could purposefully throw the exception to force the data being sent to the server to intercept it.

Google has already addressed this vulnerability by introducing the “scoped storage” model in Android 10 that allows each app to access only their own app-specific cache files.


The CVE-2021-24027 vulnerabilities were addressed by WhatsApp with the release of version

WhatsApp users are recommended to use version to rule out the risk associated with the vulnerability. When reached for a response, the company confirmed “The "keys" that are used to protect people's messages are not being uploaded to the servers and that the crash log information does not allow it to access the message contents.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Hackers released Facebook User's Leaked Data For Free Download


The case of data leakage from Facebook is becoming big issue once again and this is a huge dent in the Facebook security. Selling the phone number and personal data of Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg is in the headlines. Report says that data of more than 533 million people of 100 countries around the world using Facebook has been leaked online.
Now hackers have made public the phone numbers and private data of more than 533 million users for free and anyone who has basic knowledge of hacking can initiate Facebook Leaked Data download and use.

What is the risk of Facebook Data Leak :

Alon Gal, a security expert, discovered few months before that Facebook users' phone numbers and personal data were being sold at Telegram by using Telegram Bot. Now he found in few hacking forum that the same data is being sold by hackers for free and this will be a bigger risk for all Facebook users who didn’t change their mobile for long.
According to Mr. Gal, if you have a Facebook user ID of anyone, you can find that person's phone number, and vice versa, if you have that person's phone number, then you can get Facebook user's ID.

Facebook Clarification on Facebook Data Hack:

Facebook confirmed that this database was stolen during a security issue and Facebook had fixed the same in 2019. However, experts are confirming that user doesn’t change their phone numbers frequently and this data is still valuable for cybercriminals and can be used in wrong doing.
What is Telegram Bot:
As per Telegram mentioned its blog “Bots are simply Telegram accounts operated by software, not people and they'll often have AI features. They can do anything like teach, play, search, broadcast, remind, connect, integrate with other services, or even pass commands to the Internet of Things.”
Why Using Telegram Bot:
Nowadays Hackers are using multiple options to earn money by selling hacked information without being traced. Telegram bot provide an automation where credit will be incurredfor which the buyer had to pay a price of $ 20, which is about 1,450 rupees in India.
As per screenshots, bot was activated on January 12, 2021, but the database is being sold of 2019.

Preventive Action for Users:

1.       Facebook users should not provide all personal information in Social Media platform.
2.       If user has two phone numbers then they should have different number for Social Media websites other than their personal number.
3.       Always use Two-Factor-Authentication for login wherever is possible.
4.       Last but not least, do not make Social Media platform part of your life.